Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Fuck, I hate being sick!  I never get sick.  How the fuck did I get sick?  :(

I'm kind of cranky, can you tell?  I guess I'll go to the doctor tomorrow if I don't see any improvement.  I've been downing Thera-Flu, Benadryl, and Imitrex so I can rest medicine.  (Hehe, I have that commercial stuck in my head.)  k back to bed for me.  Yesterday, I finished one of my books I was reading, and the protagonist died on the 2nd to last page.  I hate books like that.  Maybe I'll go watch a Disney movie.  :)
P.S. Galahad just received his bamboo plant (part 2 of my Valentine's gift).  He's bringing it home tonight cuz he said it needs more light than he has in his office.  Dunno how he knows that, but I believe him.  ;)  I'm curious to see what the tulips look like that he got yesterday.  They don't usually live that long, so I doubt I'll get to see them.  I'm just happy that they made him smile.  :)

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