Saturday, February 22, 2003

Saturday, February 22, 2003

I am so dizzy and sleepy and hungry and blah.

Vertigo kicked in badly this morning (or should I say this afternoon?) when I woke up.  It was a lovely day again, so of course, I went out back.  This time, I tried to be a bit constructive and I cleaned the pool a little.  Yeah, I know vertigo + pool cleaning != smart.  However, I am very proud of myself for not falling in, although I did have a few close calls.  :)  It doesn't seem to be any better, so I guess I will resolve myself to a day of vertigo and hope that tomorrow is better.  I haven't been this bad in years.  I wonder why now, although I'm guessing it's from that flu that kicked my ass recently.  

The wind was howling pretty good today.  Some major front came in, so I got a migraine last night.  I used the Imitrex inhaler again.  Good god, that is just vile, but it works so fast.  The taste in my throat and mouth was so god-awful!  I almost clawed my tongue out.  It got me to gagging and spluttering for a long 7 minutes.  I even stood at the sink throwing water on my tongue and scraping the taste off with my fingernails.  But it kept coming back.  Poor Galahad had to sit and listen to that.  Not so attractive, I would imagine.  But I suppose he would rather listen to that for a few minutes than hear me whimper in pain for hours.  At least, that is how I am rationalizing it.  :)

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