Sunday, April 1, 2001

Sunday, April 1, 2001

Had a very bizarre dream last night.  I looked it up at, and it seemed to have favorable intent.  I remember raspberries & vivid blue shower gel.  My dreams sure entertain me, but somehow I didn't get enough sleep last night.  The daylight saving time change (ridiculous as it is) and the late night chatting coupled with my busy night of dreams conspired against my eight hours of sleep.

60 Minutes had a great episode on tonight.  It was their 1500th, BTW.  One segment was about human research subjects and how poorly (& dangerously) they can be treated.  I was a human guinea pig for quite a few years and quite a few experimental medications.  I guess I was very fortunate most of the time considering other people's stories.  Although, now that I know how much these doctors' offices are paid by the pharmaceutical companies, I don't believe I'll ever do that again for less than a few hundred dollars.  In fact, since there are already some pretty good migraine medications around, I don't think I'll ever guinea pig myself again.  Fortunately, I have not needed any in quite a while.

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