Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Divine Intervention has occurred.  I may have witnessed a miracle.  Either that or Father Physics snuck into our home in the manner of Santa Claus and decided we didn't need a full night's sleep last night.  Wtf am I talking about you wonder? 

/sets the scene

I was recovering from Monday's night's migraine yesterday and accidentally on purpose took an Excedrin at 6 pm when my head started hurting again.  Of course that wired me up nicely so I couldn't fall asleep.  Galahad was suffering from stuffy-bubble-head-can't-sleep syndrome.  Another Benadryl for him and some late night reading for me (I highly recommend Bridget Jones Diary), and we both drift off to a well-earned sleep a little after midnight.

About 2 am, there arose such a clatter.  We arose from our bed to see what was the matter.   When, what to our wondering eyes should appear, but one entire side of our closet collapsed in ruins (sorry a rhyme escapes me :p).  The shelves had ripped right out of the wall.  I say Divine Intervention because perhaps it's time to part with some of my clothes. 

I have issues giving away old clothes because I hate shopping so much.  Therefore, to replace any is not just the monetary cost but the emotional cost.  Plus, since I'm on the slender side, it's hard to find small sizes.  Yeah I know, cry me a river.  That's not even factoring in my sentimentality. 

Anyway, I couldn't stop giggling after we cleared the rubble.  We rescued the better clothes so they wouldn't wrinkle too badly and left the rest in a nice heap in the middle of the floor.  Galahad was very cranky. Who wouldn't be when awoken like that (besides a crazy person like me)?  I reminded him that this was almost as funny as the time I flooded our entire first floor with a broken washing machine. 

Hehe, that memory set the giggles off even worse.  We cranked up the stereo then and danced our living room floor dry by putting down tons of towels and soaking the excess water after using the wet-dry vacuum (that we had begged Home Depot to hold for us on the phone as they were closing the store.  They did --- how lovely.)  Of course drying all those towels load after load broke the dryer, too.   ;)   That was another night we got less than my usual 8 hours of sleep.   

Wish me luck later dealing with Father Physics (or Mother Nature) telling me I have too many possessions.  I've already  started the sorting process and have gotten rid of 1 belt, 1 purse, and a pair of shorts.  There's still quite a large pile on the floor to sort, but alas, work beckoned me.

I was on the verge of cutting my CBGB's t-shirt (yes I bought it there and not online) when I got otherwise distracted.  I am hoping to find my resolve again later when I have the time.  What will that accomplish you wonder?  That will make one more half-shirt for me which in turn means one half-shirt I can get rid of.  Crazy like a fox I am.  ;)   and delirious from lack of sleep.

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