Monday, August 18, 2003

Monday, August 18, 2003

Haha, I just love irrational, annoying customers.  They amuse me.  One today called his sales rep all pissed off that his technical support sucked.  (We were waiting for him to return our calls.)  So, I suck up my pride and call him and email him and try to sound friendly.  The fucker returns my call and tells me he's too busy to talk to me.  So, why the fuck did you just call me, asshole?  Then he talks about god knows what for 5 minutes.  Suddenly, I'm on the phone with Chatty Cathy and I have to feign interest.  It's times like this that it's beneficial to be a woman.  I start with my "isn't that cute?" laugh.  Then, I proceed to my "omg that's so fascinating" hmmm.  He finally hung up with less growl in his voice.

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