Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I win!  =)

The tree guys came around last week to start doing the hurricane cuts on all the significant trees in the community.  I asked one short, bad-toothed man if they would be trimming the HUGE tree in front of my house.  He says no.  I ask 2 more times.  Dunno why, laugh, but it was hard to take no for an answer, so I kept asking.

This morning, someone knocks on my door and asks me to move my car since they will be cutting my trees.  Yay!!!  I pointed to the big fucker, and he said yes.  I'm still a little leery cuz I don't think he understood English very well, so maybe I didn't win after all. 

I moved my car and on the way back inside I noticed that Galahad had his BBQ returned from his friend.  Apparently he didn't move it into the backyard because of his shoulder injury.  So, I feel all beneficent and think I will move it for him.  Go me!!  It's on 2 wheels, so I should be able to lift and roll, right?

I suck.  It tipped over, smashed down onto my ankle slicing it nicely, and spilled out all over the front porch with a giant clatter.  How embarrassing.  I hope none of the tree guys witnessed that debacle.  I reassembled it and moved it another 5 feet before I gave up.  Maybe I'll try again later after I disinfect my ankle and wash the soot from my body.  =p

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