Sunday, September 14, 2003

Sunday, September 14, 2003

My poor Galahad is injured and he's stuck with me as a caregiver.  I made soup & frozen pizza.  Gah, I sometimes wish I had the patience to cook.  I am good at making him laugh through the pain though.  =)  We snuggled up in bed and read our books all day with me hopping downstairs every hour or so to refresh his ice pack.  It's times like these that remind me that I couldn't be a parent and do justice to a child.  I could teach them right from wrong (finally), but I couldn't nurture them enough I think.  And I don't buy that "it's different if it's your own" crap.  I know my nature, and that won't change.  I have my adopted Internet youngling (/wave), and that's enough for me.  =)

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