Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Wednesday, July 18, 2001

Our banana tree fell over. I guess that means the bananas are ripe now! ;-) Or maybe a little overripe, so I will attempt to bake banana bread. I used to love my mother's banana bread. Then, my father took over the tradition when she couldn't anymore. So, it must not be too difficult, right?

For those of you who have no idea of my culinary skills, well --- it's not pretty. When I was little, I set fire to our kitchen while attempting to make popcorn. My older brother put out the fire for me. When my parents came home and saw what I had done, my father woke me up and made me scrub the kitchen until 3 or 4 am. Since then, I've never had a desire to go back into that room unless there was food readily available to eat. Once, as an adult, I burned a kettle when boiling water. (short attention span)

I looked up a recipe for banana bread, actually several recipes because I like to do German over-engineering. Then, I combined the features of each that I wanted. By the time Galahad came home late from work and a meeting, it was almost done. And, actually it's not too bad.

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