Sunday, May 9, 2004

Sunday, May 9, 2004

Of course I needed to see Kill Bill Vol.2 today cuz I hate being left hanging like that.  We caught a matinee and still dropped about $20.    We were running late as usual, so we split up to save time.  He got the food, and I picked out the seats.  When I walked into the theater, it was fairly small, so I didn't have a lot to choose from.  I picked a row that was mostly empty and sat one seat away from some guy.  It was as close to the middle as I could get without intruding too much in his personal space or so I thought.  He didn't say anything when I sat down or I might have moved.  Next thing I know his girlfriend walks into the theater (I guess they had the same idea about splitting up), and she gives me such a look like wtf are you next to my boyfriend.  I just sit patiently and hope that Galahad shows up soon before I get my ass kicked by some Boca Bitch. :p  Meanwhile, all the other spots have filled up.  When Galahad went to sit down, I started to move my purse to the seat next to me (next to the guy).  He then tells me someone is sitting there.   Now we're packed in like pickles with no options. :p  Oh well, at least the guy who finally sat next to me was a cutie.  ;)  We fought for elbow room a few times on the arm rest but mostly got along okay.

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