Saturday, January 3, 2004

Saturday, January 3, 2004

I'm finally buckling down to the pile (nay the heap) of mail sitting on my entry table mostly addressed to me, with a few addressed to my deceased mother.  She's never even lived at this address and died 4 years ago.  Wtf?  Galahad's dead father also gets his mail here.  He died over a decade ago. 

When I canceled my American Express card 2 months ago, I debated whether my MasterCard or my Visa would become my primary card.  I used my MC once and then switched to my Visa because it auto-deducts from my bank account at the end of the month, and I'm all for convenience.  Ever since then, my MC company has stepped up the amount of junk mail it sends me.  Wtf?  I used it once in 3 years.  I'm such a credit card tease.  ;)  I got it all excited and dropped it.  Now, it's stalking me.  American Express at least took the breakup like an adult.  I haven't received much solicitation from them.  Fuckers!  As if after 15 years, I'm going to pay them to have the privilege of using their card so that my merchants can pay them even more.  Fuck off!  Hehe, bitter much?

Okay, next rant.  Fucking whoring charities!  I donate money once and they spend all of that money on more fucking junk mail begging me for more money.   Galahad said he heard on NPR that they use all the chump change from people like me to go after the big fish who give millions.  I kind of understand that reasoning, but I hate that they spend my hard-earned money on junk mail that annoys me, wastes natural resources, wastes my time, and creates land-fill issues.  Can't they just buy these people food like they say they will?  I donated online.  Can't they email me pics of someone eating a sandwich if they feel so inclined to show me my dollars at work?

What sucks even more is that I have to sift through gobs of fucking trash every day to try to pull out the important stuff like my utility bills.  I end up missing one or two every few months.  Did I mention the 7,082 mortgage offers?  If they're so smart to know that I just refinanced my house and the broker who did it, they should be fucking smart enough to figure out I'm not going to do it again a mere 2 months later from some Joe Schmoe who fucking misspells my name.

Don't I feel better now?  =)

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