Friday, January 30, 2004

Friday, January 30, 2004

The other PC just became a boat anchor last night.  Ahh, well change is good.  I hope I didn't lose anything important.  I had most of my data backed up, but who knows if I got it all. 

Speaking of losing, I have a pet peeve.  Can more people please learn the difference between lose and loose?  That is all.

Last night was an amusing adventure.  It was our annual homeowners association meeting.  Good god the kvetchers and whiners!  And then we couldn't agree on fixing just one thing.  Everyone had to add their own Vietnam into the mix.   Talk about mission creep.  One major (READ: expensive) project became 5.  And then the subject of my scary neighbors came up.

Everyone looked at me like why aren't you calling the police more?  (I did once when he was out drinking and shouting in the street at 3am.)  I gave two answers and then reluctantly a 3rd.  My first two were completely true.  I don't like to call the police on my neighbors -- it seems un-neighborly.  And, I would assume the police have better things to do than come stick up for me when I get my feelings hurt.  Finally, I admitted that he really is a scary guy, and I wouldn't put it past him to retaliate in a scary way.  I love where I live and would hate to live in fear.  I've learned to pick my battles and most of the time, it isn't worth it over trucks blocking my driveway.  Apparently other people live more in a dream world than I do.  Dunno how that's possible cuz my shades are tinted violet, but I have some seriously naive neighbors.

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