Monday, January 5, 2004

Monday, January 5, 2004

If I question my path to enlightenment, does that mean I'm further away than I think?  Do enlightened people have self-doubt?  Do they shed tears?  Ever?  It seems like one step upwards on that journey and then a tumble downhill to ensure my humility.  Last night a wave of sadness hit me (and the obligatory tidal wave of tears).  While I could name many things which sadden me, none of those seemed to be the cause. 

As easily as I could list those sad factors in my life, it would be simpler by far to double that list with my joys & gifts.  So why the sadness?  To give me perspective?  To value my blessings more?  Or for no fucking apparent reason other than life is random? 

Heavy thoughts for a Monday morning.  Sunday nights make me sad no matter how good Sex & the City is.  I think it's reminiscent of my childhood where Sunday nights meant an all-nighter finishing the homework that I neglected to do over the weekend.   Sadistic bastards give homework over weekends.  Fuckers!   I'm still traumatized by it and barely realize it.  Haha, and I thought I might be anywhere near the path of enlightenment.  Blaming my childhood teachers for my current angst.  I should be ashamed.  :p

 Happy Monday to you!  =)

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