Tuesday, April 1, 2003

Tuesday, April 1, 2003

I got all girly and added 2 more colors to my hair and painted my toenails.  :)  Last week, I used a burgundy rinse, and then yesterday, I used a gold highlight shampoo.  It sounds bad, but it looks okay.   Galahad didn't notice, so I couldn't have fucked it up too badly.  ;)  My toenails are a lovely shade of copper burgundy to match. 

Last night, after I finished my book I couldn't sleep yet, so I watched TV.  Omfg, remind me to NEVER do that again.  First I flipped through the channels and watched 5 minutes of some train-wreck of a show called Married By America.  Good god, what people will do for attention & money.  Then, I flipped some more and came upon Six Feet Under.  I always hear how great it is, but it just seemed to point out misery in everyone's life.  Who needs that?  And of course, I fell for it at first.  When Galahad came to bed, I asked him if he felt trapped like the man in the show did.  He just laughed and asked where that came from.  I hate when shows prey upon my insecurities.  I hate it even more that most people are unaware that it's doing that.  No wonder so many people have esteem issues.

Then, just as we were falling asleep, I got the giggles.  Hahahaha, I just couldn't stop laughing.  I was laughing so hard, I got tears in my eyes and was shaking the bed.  Galahad asked me wtf was so funny.  Absolutely nothing which sent me into spirals of hysteria.  Hehe, poor guy, first he gets blindsided with relationship questions and then he gets confused & disturbed from his crazy GF's laughter.

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