Monday, April 5, 2004

Monday, April 5, 2004

I had a nightmare last night, and I remembered most of it vividly.  I told Galahad about it, and he couldn't stop laughing.  I'm sure I'll get teased all week.  :p  I guess it is funny now, but it evoked such panic and pain in me that I woke myself up.

So here goes -- laugh away.

I'll spare you most of the details since they are irrelevant and will probably make me sound crazier.  Is that even possible at this point?  ;)  I was back in college in a dorm room with 2 roommates on my first day.  That's scary enough, isn't it?  Anyway, I had just woken up in my single bed (another scary thought), and was deciding what to wear to get breakfast.  One of my roommates looked at the clock (9:38am), and said too late, breakfast is over.  I was in a panic at that point cuz I can NOT miss breakfast.  I went down to the cafeteria to check out the hours, and the lady there said they were serving until 10am if I had my ID. 

I had no ID on me and ran back to my room to get it, so excited that I could eat.  As I left my room, my legs slowed to a crawl, and the wind picked up.  Also, the floor became inclined a few degrees.  Suddenly my progress was painful.  My legs were hurting so bad to lift them.  I was embarrassed that people were watching me not be able to walk.  Finally, I said fuck it to my pride and started to pick up my legs with my arms to move them forward.  Then, a gust of wind came and blew me out of my slippers back about 4 feet.  I broke down crying then and woke up.  Isn't that bizarre???

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