Friday, April 23, 2004

Friday, April 23, 2004

Sigh... it looks like he got sent home early.  He was mysteriously gone today.  I really don't feel right about it, although it's probably karmic revenge for him.  I just resent being karma's tool.  I know you're wondering why I didn't insist I wasn't that offended.  The way it was presented to me by my manager plus taking this person's past actions into consideration, it perhaps wasn't a bad thing to get rid of him.   I'm guessing they were looking for a way, but it doesn't make me feel much better.  It's getting cold in the freezer where he threw my voodoo doll.  :p

I'm on pins & needles watching what I say now.  I feel like a HUGE hypocrite.  I was able to talk to one other person who thought it was me who got offended.  I let him know that it wasn't a big deal to me --- I was just a witness as far as I knew.  I don't want people scared to talk in front of me.  It's hard enough at times being the only woman in the group.

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