Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday, August 13, 2004

An auspicious day for some people who got slammed hard by Hurricane Charley.  I'm so happy it missed us.  I'm also not too bothered (migraine-wise) by the pressure changes and storms in the area.  I feel terrible for the people it hit, but did I mention I'm so happy it missed me?  I refuse to feel survivor's guilt over this.

So, on to other irrelevant topics.  Are you sitting down?  Remember how you thought I was an intelligent, modern woman?  I'm about to throw a monkey wrench into your image of me.  :p   You sure you're sitting?  Cuz I sometimes stand at my PC, especially while I'm brushing my teeth. 

Today, I used an ATM for the first time.  Yeah, you read that correctly.  Somehow I never used an ATM before for one reason or another.  When they first came out, there was a service charge and I was poor so every penny saved was a good thing.  Then, I learned how not to need one through proper planning and lots of plastic money.  Cash is so dirty.  Also, it seems risky.  Logically I know millions of people use one every day without problems.  But, emotionally, it seems stupid to advertise to everyone "Hi I'm about to have cash here you can steal from me after you knock my 104 lbs over."  And, what if there's some kind of mistake?  How do you prove it?

However, through bad planning, I ran out of checks before I got my new ones.  My friend needed money right away, so I resolved to get over my ATM-phobia.   We made plans to meet there in the morning before the storms got bad.  She went to the wrong location accidentally, and I was a nervous wreck by the time she got there.  First I cased the whole place to look for unsavory types.  There were a few.  I decided to try my hand at this magic machine while the unsavories were at a minimum even though my friend wasn't there yet.  It turns out that even though I can withdraw a large sum of money per day, it can't be done all in one transaction.  So now I had to stand there for several minutes inserting my card back in each time after pocketing wads of cash.  I was sure I had a GIANT target on my back saying "OMG, I just won the lottery and have all of it on me!!!"  Speaking of winning, is it just me or is this more fun than slots?  I insert my card, pick some numbers, and BAM, I win and out comes cash.  I could see how this ATM thing could become addictive.  :p

After all of the excitement of the Hurricane and my ATM Adventure, it was time for my 2nd conditioning class with the crazy East German guy.  I am ecstatic to announce I did much better this week and did NOT cry at all.  Yay!!!  I did have one iffy moment when I couldn't get enough oxygen into my body and I couldn't stop yawning.  That got me scared cuz that's usually a precursor to a migraine and I had forgotten all of my meds (so much poor planning lately).  I forced myself to relax and take deep breaths.  I had also taken some aspirin during the day to counteract the effects of the storm so I was hoping & wishing that my head would stay pain-free.  It did!  And there was much rejoicing.  =)

We stopped for sushi on the way home and I was having trouble walking already.  I worked my muscles to exhaustion (which didn't really take that long -- I'm such a wuss), and they were protesting now.

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