Tuesday, June 25, 2019

welcome home, Wendy!

I forgot I had my last clinical trial appointment the day after I got home.  I was so jet-lagged and backed quickly out of my driveway and almost ran over a giant iguana.  He was easily four feet long and hanging out on the warn asphalt.

I drove the hour each way to my doctor and found out the weight loss was accurate.  Oh well, new goals.  Also I think jet lag lowered my blood pressure even further.  

I stopped for sushi as a treat and because I had no food in my house, and then I got super tired with a full belly.  When I pulled onto my street, all I wanted to do was park my car and go back to bed.  

I pulled up to my house and interrupted a slaughter of iguanas holding a committee meeting in my front yard.  Several smaller ones were all just hanging about.  I slowed down because I didn't want the extra work of cleaning dead ones off of my car.  They eventually scattered , and I had a glorious nap with Kitten.

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