Thursday, March 4, 2004

Thursday, March 4, 2004

The string of good hair days had to end, right?  Laugh.  It doesn't look awful, maybe it's just the bags under my eyes that are detracting?  ;)

In one of my routine calls today, I seemingly had an old cell phone number for someone which has since changed hands.  So there I was with my "professional, grown-up, I know what I'm talking about" voice on when the man on the other end was like who is this???  So I identified myself again and figured this was due to bad cellular reception since he didn't sound like who I thought I was calling.   I verify the number and it's correct, but he isn't who I was looking for.  Just as I'm starting to hang up politely (since I've mentioned my company name already), he says "you sound kinda cute."  Now I'm all flustered and still trying to be polite, so like a dumb-ass I say thank-you.  And then I threw in a quick, okay bye, and hung up.  My face turned so red. 

Does that mean all these years I really don't sound as professional as I thought?  Does that mean I sound professional in the oldest sense of the word?  Sigh, why is it that a day full of great karma gets followed by a 2 minute phone call that undoes all that?  Pride certainly does go before a fall

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