Thursday, January 31, 2002

Thursday, January 31, 2002

Is January gone already?  How did that happen so fast?

I just made my travel arrangements to fly up to New Jersey & Detroit next month.  What am I, crazy?   ;-)  As if being there in February isn't bad enough, I'm going just a few days after I have my face operated on.  Won't I look lovely when I meet with all my company VPs who will be there, too, coincidentally enough?  Maybe I can just wear a balaclava all day, so no one can see me.  I can't believe I'm still vain & insecure about my looks in my 30s.  Vanity is so 20s!  I'm such a Shallow Sheila.

Here's a silly little guess-your-personality site.  Amusing, but don't base your life decisions on it.

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