Thursday, January 10, 2002

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Well, obviously, I still haven't fixed this page. Deal with it. I also have nothing spectacular to say today. I just felt like rambling for a minute or three. It got very cold here --- I'm all bundled up in every piece of clothing I own. That would be primarily because I'm too stubborn to put the heat on. It's South Florida, for crying out loud. (Don't you love that expression? heehee) I really should not have to turn the heat on in the daytime. By the way, just as a point of reference, my next door neighbor was outside tending to his orchids, wearing shorts. A friend of mine in Iowa said he would sympathize with me when he went out to walk his dogs in 3°F. Okay, so maybe I'm overreacting here... (Noticing a pattern?) Nah, I'm really cold --- where are my gloves?

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