Sunday, January 21, 2001

Sunday, January 21, 2001

Galahad left early for class again, so we said goodbye then.  I packed up, washed my hair, and waited for my airport ride.  I tried a new company since the last one forgot to pick me up upon my return.  This one showed up promptly and helped me with my luggage.  The airport was a mess, and Southwest's computer system was down.  I spent about 30 minutes waiting in line to check my bag since curbside was unavailable.  Then, I spent over 45 minutes waiting in line to get my boarding pass.  I do not like Southwest's policies on open seating and first-come first-in.  People really get ugly to get in first.  Some older man nearly took my toe off to get his foot inserted ahead of me in the mad rush to get aboard.

It was 46°F when I got off the plane in Jacksonville at 2:30PM.  I picked up my rental car, drove straight to my hotel, and waited 30 minutes to check in.  I guess today was my day to learn patience.  They finally got me a room after I raised my voice enough.  It's too bad that friendliness does not work as well.  I ended up with a nice mini-apartment and a log for my fireplace.  My local cousins surprised me with a nice family, home-cooked dinner.  I had a lovely evening and felt incredibly comfortable there.  Their house just has an instant warm ambience.  They sent me home with a wonderful banana-nut bread.  There's something to be said for Southern hospitality.

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