Wednesday, September 6, 2000

Wednesday, September 6, 2000

I'm off to Denver.  I had to get up before the birds, and I now know where that expression came from.  The birds started waking up with a vengeance as I was walking into the terminal, chirping quite vehemently.  I changed planes and experienced a very bizarre scenario in the airport.  A woman driving an electric cart with passengers on it was trying to get through a crowd of people.  Instead of saying "Excuse me", she said, "Honk, please."  Definitely someone unclear on the concept.  I went out to dinner with a bunch of colleagues.  We went to the oldest something in Denver where I tasted Rocky Mountain Oysters for my first time.  Delicious and tasted a bit like chicken.  My male colleagues weren't not as thrilled with them as I.  We also had buffalo, which of course tasted like beef.

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