Tuesday, October 22, 2019

is it worth it?

I guess we all have to decide what cost is worth what reward.  For me, my health and feeling good are worth almost any price.  Concentrating on that results in a mostly positive-attributed physical aspect.  AKA, I'm fit.  I have a friend who was asking me for food and health tips to change up her physicality.  I shared what worked for me, stating that everyone is different.  Her conclusion was that she'd rather be fat than have to eat how I eat.  Okay. 

In a similar conversation, she was telling me everything she does to look her best on the outside.  And I'm lazy as fuck with regards to that, perhaps because so much energy goes into making the inside function better.  Anyway, I've concluded that I'd rather have scars and wrinkles than go through her beauty routine.  Plus, I'm getting much better about accepting my scars and wrinkles.  I've earned every one of them.  They've made me the Wendy I am today.  And most people (myself usually included) appreciate that Wendy quite a bit.

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