Monday, May 20, 2019

JOMO arigato, Mr. Roboto

For any non-millennials, JOMO is the joy of missing out.  It was created in response to FOMO, which is the fear of missing out.  Essentially, it's defined as being content with what you're doing right now and not worrying what else you could be doing.

In that light, I had a relaxing, perfect weekend doing practically nothing, except spending time with one of my favorite people in the world.  The heavens aligned to give me this weekend.  I had very little migraine interference.  The weather was fantastic, including a brilliantly bright full moon.  I was completely lazy, although I managed to walk on the beach a couple of times at dusk when it wasn't too hot.  And I got to see pelicans diving and fishing for their dinner.

11/10   Would repeat

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