Monday, January 28, 2019

silk is a lie

I've been hearing for years about how silk pillowcases are the best thing ever for curly hair.  It was something that I'd hoped someone would gift to me because it felt extravagant to buy for myself.

After many years of hints going unheeded, I decided to gift one to myself at the end of the holiday season.  I even put it on my annual goals so I wouldn't flake out later. 

I was super excited to use it!

And then I woke up to awful hair.  To be fair, the humidity had increased so perhaps that made my hair worse.  I've now used it for almost a week and haven't noticed anything beneficial.  I don't know if I bought the wrong brand or what, but I did a brief amount of research before picking one.  It was 19 momme 100% mulberry silk blah blah blah supposed to be great.

Oh well, I still feel pampered when I see it on my bed.

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