Saturday, April 7, 2018

tempus edax rerum

Time devours everything.

I'd been looking at my gorgeous Waterford Crystal clock, with the same wrong time, for a while now.  It was less expensive to buy a card of five batteries at once, so I did.  They arrived today in an overly large box.

I successfully changed the Waterford battery very easily because they're a classy company that makes high quality products.

Waterford Crystal obelisk clock

I still had four batteries left and remembered an old Brighton clock with a dead battery sitting in a drawer.  I pulled that out and spent 30 minutes trying to pop the back off without injuring myself or anything else.  Holy fuck, why so difficult, Brighton??  There was no notch!

Brighton clock

It feels kind of weird to have clocks around.  I'm so used to looking at my phone to see the time and feeling temporally confused when it's on the charger or in another room.

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