Thursday, April 19, 2018

don’t litter, it makes the world bitter

I battled a demon.  Literally!!

I went to take out my trash and there was an ENORMOUS palmetto bug (aka American cockroach aka winged demon) living in it.  HOLY FUCK!  I won't include any links or pics in case anyone has phobias.  They are a hazard of Florida living and come inside after heavy rains.

I donned protective gear in the form of hiking boots, but I deemed gardening gloves as too excessive.  Plus I was afraid I would lose some necessary dexterity.  And what if the fucker crawled inside?  UGHHHHHH.  I armed myself with vinegar spray.  I don't like using poison in my house because of my cat.  I kicked the garbage canister a few times and shark-bumped the lid about eight times.  And then I gave myself a lecture about how they aren't dangerous and I'm bigger blah blah blah.  I finally pulled off the lid and threw it down in case he was hiding inside.  SPOILER:  He wasn't.  But a piece fell off the lid.  Sigh. 

I decided to stop being a 'fraidy cat and deal with it.  I vaguely recall picking these bugs up with my bare hands when I was a kid to scare my teacher.  When did that change?  And why was I such an asshole?

I saw him scurry down inside the trash bag; and I quickly pulled the drawstrings, tied it up, and ran to put it by the curb.  ICKKKKKKK

Afterward, I came inside and thoroughly cleaned the can, the lid, and all around it.  I replaced the piece that flew off.  I hope it stays on.

Then it was on to the recycling. 

Earlier this week, I was filling my glass with water when the bottom literally fell out.  I've had this glass for years, and I've no idea why it chose then to separate.  I watched it fall in slow motion past my bare feet and hit the tile floor.  I was expecting a bloodbath as glass shards went flying, but there was nothing I could do.  I stayed put so I wouldn't accidentally step onto a shard.  Miraculously, it hit the floor and didn't shatter.  Not even one speck of blood.  Go me!  The black spots are where my black salt left a residue.  I promise I wasn't drinking moldy water.  I sometimes add unrefined salt to my water to replace electrolytes for migraine prevention.

glass that lost its bottom

I realized that my utensil drawer was overflowing with plastic scoops.  They come free in various powders, and I have the bad habit of saving things that might be useful later.  They rarely are.  I texted my brother to ask if he needed any because he's one of the most resourceful people I know.  I waited for the text back saying he uses them for some fantastical unique purpose.  Instead, the text I received was that he has tons of these, too.  Into the recycling bin they go.  Don't worry, I saved a few just in case.

so many scoops

I hope I didn't exceed my courage limit today because I have another dermatology appointment this afternoon.  Deep breaths...

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