Monday, April 2, 2018

stitches get itches

I guess everything is healing nicely, because it's starting to itch.  The incision is on my back and covered with steri-strips so I can't really see what's going on, even with mirrors.  I'll assume the best because I'm almost an optimist.

I'm starting to feel like an old, retired person now.  My days are occupied with doctors visits and health concerns.  Ugh.  I should shut the fuck up and be grateful that I have access to these specialists which I apparently so desperately need BECAUSE I'M OLD AND DECREPIT.  (More on that later.)

The incision got a bit painful when the anesthesia wore off, but the pain never passed a 4 on my scale of 10.  Unfortunately, the migraine that hit me the following morning was much higher (let's say 9 because 10 is too depressing to contemplate).  And it was on the opposite side of my body, so I couldn't get comfortable.  Roll to the right, owww.  Roll to the left, motherfucking owww.

It was a long miserable day.  Two triptan pills and one triptan injection later (which I accidentally jabbed into a blood vessel and holy fuck that hurt), my head was recovering.  Kitten came and visited, without hurting me.  Yay!

I was way too scared to take any Tylenol for my incision because that might set off my head again.  I moved gingerly for a couple days, which is what normal pain is designed to do, so in a weird logical way, I didn't mind the pain so much.

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