Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I got my first GMail account today!!  How geeky am I that I'm excited about it and actually expected my friends to know what it is?  :p  Btw, my nickname is wendria there.

This afternoon, I'm off to vote.  Ever the optimist, I'll still cast my vote and hope it gets counted.  If it doesn't, perhaps I'll be sufficiently entertained by the scandals to not care as much.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Monday, August 30, 2004

I started reading Digital Fortress.  Wow!  His writing style has sure matured, but Mr. Brown can write an exciting novel.  :)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Galahad and I spent a few hours picking out our candidates for Tuesday's primary.  It's so hard to choose based on a blurb in an article or negative campaigning from their competitors.  Plus, who knows if my vote will even get counted. 

Project Vote Smart - American Government, Elections, Candidates and Voting

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Saturday, August 28, 2004

We went to see Hero at the theater.  I loved it, even though I cried at one part.  :(

Friday, August 27, 2004

Friday, August 27, 2004

Head is still bad.  I skipped my class and feel guilty, but I know it was for the best.  :(

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Woke up at 3 am with a sharp shooting pain in my head.  :\  I took Imitrex and watched the Olympics until I fell asleep.

Then, I had to wake up and drive 30 minutes to meet with my manager and get my annual review.  He loved the copy I had written last week.  I'm glad I was able to amuse him.  :p  I had to fake being fine all day because I hate admitting to having a migraine, especially to my manager.  Admitting weaknesses is not something I'm great at.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Saturday, August 21, 2004

My cousin is in town this weekend and staying in South Beach.  My brother & I (and respective partners) are driving down to meet up with him for dinner and fun.  I'm kind of getting over the whole South Beach hype.  In fact, I was over it a few years ago.  However, he's my only first cousin and a lot of fun, so I'm making the effort.

Galahad talked me into wearing my comfy black boots instead of my comfy black high-tops.  Fashion and all that.  Gag!  But, for him, I made the effort.  Somehow, they decided not to be as comfy tonight and gave me my first blister.  I've had them over a year and worn them numerous times for hours at a time.  Dunno wtf happened but I finally took them off and went barefoot.  The blister was already the size of a dime and swelling.  Guess I need to buy new boots soon.  :\

In between my whining about the imaginary pebble in my boot, we finally (after 30 minutes of walking) picked out a restaurant to have dinner.  So many places were artificially expensive, or at least I thought they were based on the ambiance and food quality.  We ended up eating Cuban food at Bongos.  The food was tasty and the company was fun.  :)

Then Galahad had the bright idea to go over to the Delano.  We love that place but it's kind of far to walk when one has an imaginary pebble in one's boot.  Anyway, since he hyped it up, and I had dragged him out here in the first place, I said I was fine and could walk.  Everyone loved it (of course) even though the prices are exorbitant.  We watched the people next to us spend about $3000 on liquor alone, and we were there only a short time.  It's full of Euro-trash, but I love to people watch there.  I also love when women get all decked out and end up complimenting me on my simple outfit.  =)  Galahad wins again for getting me some chic (yet cool & casual) tank top to wear with my jeans.  ;)

Friday, August 20, 2004

Friday, August 20, 2004

I decided to have fun with my review.  As you may have noticed, I like to write creatively.  ;)   I hope he laughs as much as I did.

Class tonight.  Glad my toenails are looking good!

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Today was Conference Call from Hell Day -- back to back to back calls from 9 AM through 3 PM.  I did manage to paint my toenails a lovely shade of red.  ;)

Btw, I was told by my manager to write my own annual review.  It's good in the long run because I'm going to be kinder than he will, but it really sucks to write all this up.  :\

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Those poor people who got fucked by the hurricane.  :(

I'm still happy it missed me though.

We watched the Olympics part of the day but I'm having a hard time getting excited, between the cheating players and the corrupt judges.  I also kept asking Galahad for his honest opinion.  Hahah, I know men hate to hear that dreaded question but I couldn't stop myself.  Mine is kind of in reverse though.   There's a Russian gymnast who looks very skinny, and I kept asking him if I looked that skinny.  He's so funny and gave a diplomatic answer --- that we have different body shapes so he really couldn't compare.  I'm guessing that's a yes, but I'm sure I have more body fat than her by at least 1-2 percent.  :p  Laugh.  I don't feel that skinny.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday, August 13, 2004

An auspicious day for some people who got slammed hard by Hurricane Charley.  I'm so happy it missed us.  I'm also not too bothered (migraine-wise) by the pressure changes and storms in the area.  I feel terrible for the people it hit, but did I mention I'm so happy it missed me?  I refuse to feel survivor's guilt over this.

So, on to other irrelevant topics.  Are you sitting down?  Remember how you thought I was an intelligent, modern woman?  I'm about to throw a monkey wrench into your image of me.  :p   You sure you're sitting?  Cuz I sometimes stand at my PC, especially while I'm brushing my teeth. 

Today, I used an ATM for the first time.  Yeah, you read that correctly.  Somehow I never used an ATM before for one reason or another.  When they first came out, there was a service charge and I was poor so every penny saved was a good thing.  Then, I learned how not to need one through proper planning and lots of plastic money.  Cash is so dirty.  Also, it seems risky.  Logically I know millions of people use one every day without problems.  But, emotionally, it seems stupid to advertise to everyone "Hi I'm about to have cash here you can steal from me after you knock my 104 lbs over."  And, what if there's some kind of mistake?  How do you prove it?

However, through bad planning, I ran out of checks before I got my new ones.  My friend needed money right away, so I resolved to get over my ATM-phobia.   We made plans to meet there in the morning before the storms got bad.  She went to the wrong location accidentally, and I was a nervous wreck by the time she got there.  First I cased the whole place to look for unsavory types.  There were a few.  I decided to try my hand at this magic machine while the unsavories were at a minimum even though my friend wasn't there yet.  It turns out that even though I can withdraw a large sum of money per day, it can't be done all in one transaction.  So now I had to stand there for several minutes inserting my card back in each time after pocketing wads of cash.  I was sure I had a GIANT target on my back saying "OMG, I just won the lottery and have all of it on me!!!"  Speaking of winning, is it just me or is this more fun than slots?  I insert my card, pick some numbers, and BAM, I win and out comes cash.  I could see how this ATM thing could become addictive.  :p

After all of the excitement of the Hurricane and my ATM Adventure, it was time for my 2nd conditioning class with the crazy East German guy.  I am ecstatic to announce I did much better this week and did NOT cry at all.  Yay!!!  I did have one iffy moment when I couldn't get enough oxygen into my body and I couldn't stop yawning.  That got me scared cuz that's usually a precursor to a migraine and I had forgotten all of my meds (so much poor planning lately).  I forced myself to relax and take deep breaths.  I had also taken some aspirin during the day to counteract the effects of the storm so I was hoping & wishing that my head would stay pain-free.  It did!  And there was much rejoicing.  =)

We stopped for sushi on the way home and I was having trouble walking already.  I worked my muscles to exhaustion (which didn't really take that long -- I'm such a wuss), and they were protesting now.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Monday, August 9, 2004

Monday, August 9, 2004

I happened to mention to someone that I play one of my theme songs in my head when I need a boost.  He seemed confused by that concept so I'm going to try to explain it.  Pick a song or three that no matter your mood always make you perk up just a little bit.  You don't need to go cavorting down the street but that doesn't hurt.  =)

So here are two of mine.  Yes I know they're corny, but they work.  :p

O-o-h Child

I Can See Clearly Now

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Sunday, August 8, 2004

Yay, my head is almost all better.  I haven't taken any meds today.  I also managed to get up early and get some pool time in before the daily rains started.

My calves are a teensy bit painful today, and a few of my other muscles are sore, but I escaped mostly unscathed.  I'm so excited!  I usually end up jumping back into exercise too fast and either injure myself or make myself so sore that I don't want to continue.  I forced myself to hold back and not do too much on Friday.  That might have contributed to my feelings of of imperfection.  Well that or the fact that I'm imperfect.  :p

Saturday, August 7, 2004

Saturday, August 7, 2004

Last night's class went better and worse than I expected.  I was able to do most exercises at least partially.  But, I had an emotional meltdown when I got home.  :(  I sat on the bathroom floor crying quietly cuz I was embarrassed.  I thought I was done and also decided that the bathroom rugs needed to be washed (while I was down there :p), so I gathered them up and put them in the washing machine.  Then I got all energetic and switched out the towels, too.  As I was going back upstairs, Galahad asked me something innocuous and I just started bawling.  Sigh.  Logically I know that no one has a perfect body and perfect abilities.  Yet, I expect that I should be perfect; and when I'm not, my limitations frustrate me.  He just held me and let me cry and reassured me I did fine.  I think the week long migraine was taking its toll as well.

Anyway, I'm a little bit sore (mostly in my calves) and am gobbling up Vitamin C every few hours.  I also took some zinc-magnesium.

Friday, August 6, 2004

Friday, August 6, 2004

blah blah blah yes my head still fucking hurts ... breakfast of Imitrex, with a side of oatmeal.

Guess what I'm doing tonight?  Hehe, one of my male friends continues to remind me that men don't enjoy these guessing games nearly as much as women.  :p  So blame him that I'm ruining it and telling you.  =)  Omg, I'm skeeeeeered. 

I'm going to Galahad's martial arts conditioning class tonight.  My close friend really wants to go and persuaded me to try it once with her.  This is the class taught by his east German instructor that gets him so sore he can barely walk by Sunday.  He told me to stop when I can't do something, but I know me.  First, I like a challenge and usually don't stop until it's too late.  And, second, I'm going to be embarrassed if I have to stop too early.  Sigh.  I hope I don't cry.   I also hope I'm brave enough to go back next week even if tonight sucks.  I would love to get back into better shape.

I have no idea what to wear either.  I start suggesting outfits and I got "the omg you aren't serious" look from Galahad.  He was all ready to buy me something today to wear.  Ha, and I don't even know if I'll like it enough to go back.  Well, I'm off to pick out clothes.  :p

Thursday, August 5, 2004

Thursday, August 5, 2004

I was leading a conference call this morning when through the window I saw a beautiful butterfly get snared in a spider web.  I completely lost my thoughts and readjusted my vision so I didn't have to see the struggle.  Every time I shifted and saw it, I got distracted again.  Part of me wanted to save it.  Part of me told myself it's nature.  After ten minutes of morbid fascination, while someone else started speaking, I snuck outside (I love cordless phones) and freed the fucking butterfly.  It flew right off.  I feel bad that I ruined that spider's web.  I've knocked it down so many times in the past cuz he builds too low over our front gate.  This time it was finally high enough up to walk under and I fucking ruined it again.  I suck.  :\   I just couldn't watch that poor butterfly strain & thrash about anymore.

P.S.  My head still fucking hurts.  :(

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Wednesday, August 4, 2004

I returned some DVDs to Hollywood Video and apparently didn't check closely if the titles matched.  They called Galahad (his card) to let him know.  So, I had to traipse back to the store after fishing the movie out of the 5 disc changer.  Thank goodness it wasn't porn!  But, it was my niece's copy of Lord of the Rings that we supposedly mailed back to her.  Oops.  Btw, do they make porn DVDs?  I'm so behind the times.  :p


still fighting this migraine  :(

Monday, August 2, 2004

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Sunday, August 1, 2004

Galahad decided that he wanted to go out for breakfast this morning.  So off we went to the Original Pancake House where everyone else seemed to have gone with their kids.  We got seated fairly quickly and served shortly afterwards.  Omg, the portions are so huge!  No wonder everyone is fat.  Plus, the plates start out HUGE (with a capital U :p)  The food was tasty though.  :)

About 3ish, I started to get a headache.  I took some aspirin and hoped for the best.  Haha, I'm such an optimist even in the face of harsh reality.