Saturday, April 14, 2018

feeling extra and hungry

I've only ever used my sous vide for steak.  I wasn't too sure about this Xmas present, but the steaks were extremely tender eleventy-five hours later, with minimal effort (my kind of cooking).  However, I had to start planning way ahead on what to eat.

An acquaintance mentioned he makes eggs in his.  So I decided to experiment with mine.  I was still satiated from the earlier kale mango lassi, so I didn't mind waiting an hour to eat again.  I quickly searched up a recipe and then improvised because I couldn't be bothered to grate cheese or pre-cook bacon.  I couldn't even be bothered to use a spoon earlier as you might recall.

I cracked open two eggs, cut some goat cheese chunks, grabbed some mushrooms, topped it off with snips of raw bacon, and stirred it in the jar.  I was a bit leery about the glass shattering and making a mess, (especially after cleaning the other side of my kitchen earlier), but apparently I'm not strong enough to over-tighten the jar.

I forgot the salt until after I started it.  Oops.  And I obviously skipped the searing step.  All in all, it was easy, filling, and nutritious.  I'll work on the taste and appearance next time.

sous vide egg bites
needs salt
fancy eating

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