Saturday, April 14, 2018

it came from Mars

I bought a giant bag of kale and somehow it was tougher than I expected (even though it's the same kind I've been buying for years).  I decided after slogging through three meals like a cow chewing her cud, that I'd rather have it in my mango lassi, all blended and soft. 

I had a large tub of goat yogurt and some frozen mango from before my tree got blown down in the hurricane; and, I decided to make an easy breakfast.  I added some Pau d'Arco and chia seeds just because they're healthy and wouldn't affect the flavor, plus a bit of water for liquidity. 

I'm not big on measuring, so I threw in some mango, some yogurt, and some kale.  I blended it up, tasted it, and decided it needed a little more yogurt.  Guess who was too lazy to dirty a spoon?  I poured it in fine the first time. 

Guess what didn't pour easily the second time because the entire tub splashed in?

Guess who had green sticky goop splatter all over the counter, the cupboards, the fridge, the floor, and herself?

You're a good guesser!

kale mango lassi


amy said...

I want the "sort of" recipe.

wendria said...

The recipe is mango and yogurt. Blend until you like the desired consistency. Add in whatever else you want. Top with mermaid or umbrella or both for extra whimsy. :)