Saturday, November 25, 2017

under pressure

I ate a little too much dessert on Thanksgiving, but homemade Key Lime cheesecake and flan is hard to resist.

Therefore, I was excited to meet my workout buddy at the gym yesterday morning, where he proceeded to kill me.  In a fit of genius (masochism), we planned to pressure clean my driveway afterwards.  I had just bought a new electric pressure washer, for less than the cost to hire someone one time.  But I was a little unsure how it all worked.

So he came over and helped me figure it out.  It was a good thing he did because my hose had fused onto the spray nozzle and had to be cut off.  He was very smart and told me it was a good hose, and I could just buy a new end and attach it.  I had no idea that was even a possibility. 

We drove to Home Depot (on Black Friday OMG) and bought a new end-piece for $5 instead of me buying a new hose for $35.  He had the old piece cut off and new one attached in under two minutes.  I was amazed!  And it worked beautifully.  My driveway looks so much better now.

That was an exhausting day.  I was showered and in bed by 5pm.

I may have had leftover flan for dinner.  :)

Friday, November 24, 2017


I've had gratitude on my mind because of the season.  My life has taken a 180 recently, and I haven't found much to be grateful for.  Of course, I'm grateful for you, dear reader, and for every person who has ever offered me moral support.  However, my health and my career are not faring well currently. 

At Thanksgiving, we went around the table to say what we were grateful for.  It was difficult for me to say anything.  I was at my brother's house, feeling lonelier than if I had stayed home.  His friends were all talking about their newly found friends-family, while I was sitting there feeling like an outsider who used to be an insider.  Everyone was very polite, but I didn't feel included.

Fortunately his kids were there, and I was happy to see them.  I finally went back to basics and said I was grateful for my home staying intact during the hurricane.

I said my thank-yous and goodbyes right after dessert and was the first one to leave.  I managed to make it to my car before the tears started.  Go me!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Net Neutrality

Please take a moment and call today.  The script is written for you.  The EFF will look up your Representatives and automatically connect you if you'd like.  Interns who are on our side are answering the phones and happy to add another person to the tally.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

feeling of accomplishment

I've had a shitty couple of weeks, to the point where I've been eating chocolate sent to me by my bestie while watching sappy Hallmark movies.

Today, I managed to unstick both my front and back hose spigots.  Yay!  And I ordered a pressure washer that is on sale, so I can properly clean my driveway and back deck.  I'm feeling very grown-up and accomplished.  I should probably go back to sappy TV and chocolate while I'm ahead.