Thursday, April 26, 2018

step into the light with ferrets

I dreamt my brother had tiny light-sabers with which he battled his ferrets.  He's not a big Star Wars nerd and hasn't had ferrets since we were teenagers.  Brains are weird.  

The light-sabers were purple, if that matters.  I can hear whole choruses of Star Wars fans saying "of course it does!"  Most sites say purple is moral ambiguity.  One says purple is for Sith who changed to good.  And ferrets represent either curiosity or spying, depending on your outlook I guess.

I haven't been to the gym in over a month because of stitches and scheduling and laziness.  Last night I decided to do a few pushups (only 25 before I almost died) and some squats, with the alternate knees twisting inward at the bottom while holding the squat.  It's supposed to increase hip mobility and blah blah blah.

Anyway, I'm wondering if the exertion right before bedtime made my brain do calisthenics, too.

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