Yesterday was a shitshow in Wendyville. I started with high anxiety most of the night before and woke up to more of the same, even after finally taking a Xanax to sleep. So, I started my day with edibles and no coffee. I wanted to slow down my brain not amp it up.
I didn't want to be in my life anymore, and I didn't know how to remedy that. I have bottles of rum scattered around the house and took swigs as needed for anxiety. I forced myself to eat a little and then went right back to a higher dose of edibles. And more rum. While under the influence of both, I tried to reset my brain and mindset.
I am a worthwhile person.
This morning, I woke up in a slightly better headspace. I showered. I did dishes. I did laundry. And I vacuumed a little. I'm trying for sobriety today and no anxiety. Wish me luck!