Friday, June 21, 2019

diamonds and pearls, redux

One of my sisters and I decided to hike Diamond Head Crater.  Apparently it's famous, although I'd never heard about it.   We drove through a tunnel bored into the side of the mountain to get inside.  I paid the extra money to park there instead of walking in.  I recognize and acknowledge my limitations.  I figured the hike would take enough out of me -- I didn't need to add extra onto it.

We started at a fairly brisk pace, which was way too fast for me.  I walk most days in Florida heat and humidity, so technically this was the same.  Except for the elevation.  I couldn't breathe!!!  It wasn't that high, under a thousand feet even at the summit.  But I live at 4 feet elevation.  I'm also blaming the prodrome of a migraine for stealing my oxygen.  Plus it's kind of a rapid ascension.

Diamond Head Crater

My sister was patient and stopped frequently for me to rest. 

I briefly felt like a loser every time I had to ask my much older sister to slow down.  Sigh.  But I know I'm doing my best with what I've got.  

The incline was fairly steep and the trail very uneven because of lava formation.   Yes, I did play the ground is lava, but only in my head because talking was hard.  I was glad I'd brought my good hiking boots.  They helped me keep traction immensely. 

The view at the top was gorgeous but admittedly not as grand as some of the scenic overlooks along the highway. 

Did I mention we wore our matching sister hats? 

Once I got close to the top, either my adrenaline kicked in or the prodrome ended, and I felt fine the rest of the hike.  

When we got to the bottom again, I was a sweaty mess, but it felt just like any other day I go walking in Florida.  Minus the iguanas.  My sister went and played in the sprinklers to cool down. 

We stopped for kalua pig on the way home at Fatboy's.  Yum!

Kalua pig

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