Tuesday, December 11, 2018

another day in paradise

I tried once again to have a mini vacation -- a one-day pass to Epcot.  You'd think the community of tomorrow would have found a cure for migraines.  Those lazy fuckers.

I did everything right.   It was a few days after my monthly migraine shot, so it was fresh in my system but not the first day after which can be jarring.  Apparently I'm very sensitive.  Sigh.  I tried to get enough sleep and eat strictly.  I had an eight day migraine-free streak, so I was doing something right. 

And then, BAM, the weather shifted abruptly, which obviously I can't control.  A few hours after arriving at the park, I started feeling the telltale signs.   I immediately took meds and then more 15 minutes later just in case.  Fortunately it never got too horrible where I needed to leave immediately, but it sure put a dent in my enjoyment and motivation to experience things.

I ended up sitting in a relatively quiet spot (who knew those existed?) by the Chinese Temple for half an hour or maybe longer (time is relative during an attack), while I had zero energy to walk.  All I really wanted was to curl up in bed.  

After that brief respite, I soldiered on and forced myself to fucking enjoy stuff.   The meds kicked in and made me somewhat numb and apathetic.  Not to mention the migraine itself wreaking havoc on my emotional and cognitive states.  It wasn't a complete waste of a day.  I did have fun and loved seeing the Pixar short films.  All of the rides I went on were extremely gentle.  I've learned my lesson about those.  Probably.

Oh well, maybe I can figure out some other nearby spot for a mini vacation next year.

Hope springs eternal, according to Alexander Pope.

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