Wednesday, November 28, 2018

beach, the pause that refreshes

I used to regularly go to beach workout every Sunday morning with many other people.  We had a core group (including my ex) who always went.  For years.  And we turned it into a whole day, including a picnic lunch and a relaxing soak in the ocean.

Then life got in the way.  Most of the core group got busy or moved away, so it fizzled out.  Plus my health got worse, and as you might imagine, beach workout doesn't sound as pleasant with a migraine.  Although to be fair, nothing sounds as pleasant with a migraine.

Anyway, that was a lot of rambling to say that I went again.  It was just two of us, but it felt glorious!!

It was my first time going back to that particular beach as a single person.  Fortunately, these firsts happen less and less often.  I got teary-eyed as I drove over the bridge, but I managed to compose myself by the time I parked and got to the beach.

We didn't do the smorgasbord of food, but we did treat ourselves with breakfast, after a splendid time playing in the waves and soaking in the majestic ocean.