Saturday, December 15, 2018

mama bear is fiercely emotional

Kitten was attacked by something two weeks ago.  She seemed shaken up and maybe bruised but relatively okay, no blood anywhere.  She was eating and using the litter box just fine.  Her lower back had a small lump which I thought was a bruise.  It turned out to be a nasty swollen infection, which I found out after it burst.  Ugggghhhhhhhhhhh.  So icky.

I cleaned her up with many warm, wet washcloths and hydrogen peroxide, after expressing the wound for a bit to make sure all the pus was out.  It bled clean, so I thought we had made a turn for the good.

But then yesterday, it started oozing pus again.  This morning she and I had a small conversation, and I explained that I needed to take her to the doctor.  I called the vet two minutes before they opened, and they said I could bring her right in.

I'm not sure who was traumatized more, Kitten or me.  She started howling while they held her down and shaved the spot.  Then he cleaned it, and more yowling.  Two shots (antibiotics and cortisone), and she was back in her carrier.  Meanwhile, I had to get a tissue and soak up the tears running down my face.  The vet assumed it was a cat that bit her, as those generally get infected.

I lugged her 13.4 pound pitiful ass back to the car and drove home.  She yowled some more for good measure.  She ate second breakfast and then went to hide in my closet.  Fingers crossed that she heals fast.

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