Friday, November 9, 2018


A few weeks ago a friend of mine challenged me to throw away one thing per day.  That sounded extremely arduous, but I like a new challenge, especially if I feel I can grow from it.  She gave me some persuasive arguments on how my emotional health will improve even if I merely clean out a closed drawer or closet. 

Before anyone freaks out thinking I live like a hoarder, my house is generally clutter-free, but I acknowledge that I have attachment issues.  I keep all kinds of stupid shit that I don't need.  For instance, why do I have three umbrellas, even though I rarely use one.  My mentality is I might need them some day, and why not keep three if I have the room.  Hence, why I needed her persuasive arguments.  Her bottom line is that I will feel better emotionally if I declutter.  Allegedly.  There's a book that is releasing soon called Outer Order, Inner Calm.   Same principle, I think.  And the author probably says it way better than I can.

Back to my challenge.  Surprisingly, I have been keeping up with it.  Some days, I get rid of more than one thing.  I donated one umbrella and decided to keep two.  That's still progress.  Go me.  I also threw out a mostly full three year old ketchup bottle.  Plus all the little ketchup packets that accumulate.  I don't even like ketchup.  Why did I save them?  Because I had room in my fridge and maybe one day I might need it.  Or one of my legions of invisible guests might.  :)  Ketchup always felt like a staple to me somehow. 

I'm having a much harder time getting rid of unused clothes, although before this challenge started, I did donate a bunch of business attire.  Clothing is so much more burdensome to get rid of because I hate shopping.  And I hate shopping because it's tricksy to find items that fit AND make me feel good about myself.  I usually end a shopping trip in tears with lowered self-esteem, even if it's ultimately successful. 

I'm eagerly awaiting the day I wake up and magically lose all of my attachment issues.  :)

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