Sunday, December 6, 2015

unfuck your habitat

This site,, was recommended to me, as someone who has chronic pain.  (Fuck you, migraines, it's been 9 days, yippee!)  It's supposed to make it easier to assuage my guilt about not having the cleanest house because I didn't have the energy today.  Or enough spoons to use the chronic illness analogy.  For those of you unfamiliar with Spoonies, good job on being healthy!

It breaks up cleaning into manageable chunks.  It's mostly techniques that I've already been doing for years because it's common sense.  But, I'm fully aware that common sense is astonishingly rare.

I like that they have a section especially for people who have depression, because that's a hard cycle to break with regards to cleaning.

Perhaps some of you lazy fkrs will find some of the challenges helpful.  Good luck!

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