Tuesday, September 19, 2000

Tuesday, September 19, 2000

Caught up with my mail.  Whew!  That can accumulate quickly when I'm not home every day to deal with it.  In doing so, I got fed up with my long distance & local telephone carrier's customer service level.  So, it was time to research a new long distance carrier & also to find out about switching back to Ma Bell for my local one.  It turns out that Ma would be very happy if I want to come back....  And, while researching for a long distance carrier that applies to my needs, I came across a very cool site.  It's called LowerMyBills.com.  Basically, they do all the research for me.  Now, hopefully, they'll turn out to be reputable & factual....  I'll keep you posted.  BTW, they also research other stuff like car insurance, etc...

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