Friday, March 29, 2019

shot through the heart

Stop being so dramatic, Wendy. 

It was two shots into my abdomen, nowhere near my heart, and definitely not through it.  But I couldn't find those song lyrics.  :)

My migraine clinical trial has officially ended, and I've learned how to do my own anti-CGRP injections.  Go me!  They're auto-injectors, so all I needed to do was click a button.  They made it much easier than any of my previous sumatriptan injections.  Those require a degree in mechanical engineering to figure out (in the middle of an attack so bad that a pill won't work).  Good luck with that!

Probably I'll inject into my leg going forward, but I didn't feel like dropping trou in my doctor's office when the nurse was instructing me.  They still burn a little but not nearly as much as the clinical trial ones did.  I have no idea why.  I hope this formulation works as well or better than what I've been getting.

I left with two band-aids on my stomach and one on my arm because they took several more vials of blood to see how I'm faring after 5 years.  I'm no longer suicidal from pain and despair, but this most definitely isn't a permanent cure.  I still get up to eight attacks per month with close lifestyle management.

I have more hope these days that maybe I'll grow out of it or discover the magic Wendy formula that allows me to have my life back completely.  Until then, I'm living the best I can, day to day.

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