Sunday, March 17, 2019

feeling healthier mentally

Or maybe I mean emotionally.  Oh I still cry at the drop of a dragonfly into my pool.  And I still tear up if someone says something unkind to me.  My emotions aren't lessened, but they feel more realistic now.  Less in the dark, more in the light.  Literally.  Because I'm inspired to open my curtains up more.  (And now I have that Poltergeist movie quote in my head, "Run to the light, Carol Anne."  You're welcome.)

I finished (mostly) the giant de-cluttering of 2018.  I'm still finding small pockets of things I've missed.  However, I've gotten rid of lots of dumb things and hard to throw away things and sentimental things and kinda broken things.  I've replaced what needed to be replaced.  And enjoyed empty space where nothing needed replacing.

It's kind of amazing how physical objects can affect mental clarity.  I've heard people say that for years, but I never understood it inside my heart.  I think it's one of those concepts where one needs to experience it before fully comprehending.   

I'm relearning what my style of decor is, along with my style of Wendy, and just about all of my tastes.  It's kinda weird to start new, yet with greater wisdom and composure.

It's been four really long years, and I finally feel ready to start over with excitement rather than dread.  Wish me luck!

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