Wednesday, January 31, 2018

post eye surgery checkup

I went back to the eye doctor for a check-up.  I'm doing very well, although they seemed too generous with the compliments.  The nurse asked if I was using any artificial tears, and I laughed that my real ones work fine.  She didn't laugh.

Whatevs, life is hard sometimes, and crying happens.  Frequently lately, but that's another story for later.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

coffee and crickets for breakfast

Moving slowly after a rough night.

I feel like I'm slowly slipping away.  Day by day.  I lose contact with more friends, more family, and some of my humanity.  Or maybe that's the 39,547,393,295th migraine talking.𛲣  Time is a gift.  Or is it a punishment?

Either way, I'm not enjoying this, but I did enjoy my cricket protein bar.  It's surprisingly delicious, if somewhat overpriced. 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

going to hell

I stopped at a church to play Pokemon Go.  A security guard asked why I was there.  For some reason, I couldn't admit to playing a kids' game.  Somehow that seemed creepy.  So I lied.  At a church.  I said was picking up my neighbor.  He asked if he worked there.  I corrected him and said she, and the guard immediately calmed down and left me alone.  WTF on so many levels.  

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Life Pro Tip

Do not shriek at loud volume when one is not dressed for company.

I walked outside trying to inconspicuously get the mail.  I got distracted looking to the side because I'm a nosy neighbor and saw a truck.  When I turned back to the front, my nose was about six inches from a two foot long iguana.  I screamed at loud decibels.  He jumped off the ledge.  I jumped back three feet.  It was stressful for all involved.

All surrounding people immediately turned and saw my poor attire choices and messy hair.

Hiding in the bushes from the crazy lady

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Careful, Old is contagious

Every time I think I'm getting a handle on life, I look in the mirror and wonder how I got so old.  When did I get jowls?  I look like Marlon Brando.  Okay, maybe that's from sleeping on my face too long.  Or from the half container of brownie bites I binge-ate last week to feel better.  Note to self: emotional eating still doesn't work for me.

I know the alternative is non-existence, which sounds nice in theory, but wouldn't work well in practice.  Who would snuggle Kitten when she has PTSD episodes?  I can already hear my sister decry that she's too busy this week to fly out and deal with all of my shit.  And she's not wrong.  Therefore, I'm trying to deal with all of my own shit.  Like a goddamned grown-up.  One day I'll get the hang of this.  Probably long after I get real jowls.

I'm almost fondly looking back at when Migraine was my biggest problem.  Don't misunderstand me, it's still huge, but now I have other contenders.  And the sheer volume is becoming overwhelming some days.  

I'm not ready to write publicly about them, but I will soon.  I haven't told all of my friends and family yet because I don't need that extra pressure and stress of their reactions.  And frankly, their judgments.

If you're someone who immediately tells someone what they should be doing or how they should be feeling, ask yourself if people have stopped telling you personal details about their lives.  I also don't want to be fodder for gossip.  "Did you hear about poor Wendy?"  I know that's inevitable, but I can at least slow that train down a bit until I feel more ready to be hit by it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

a shower a day keeps the plumber employed

Yay, my shower works!  No leaks!

The plumbers were fantastic.  I got super lucky.  They were hardworking, honest, and competent.  But not cheap.  :P

While they were here, I had them fix the leaky sink, too.  Also, he let me observe and gave me a mini-lesson of what he was doing.  I'm so glad I didn't attempt any of this on my own.  It was extremely complicated.

About an hour into it, my plumber looked a little funny and glanced at me asking if I knew what Meniere's is.  When I said yes, the look on his face was almost comical.  He looked relieved, but still off.  He then said he was having a vertigo episode.  I was immediately sympathetic.  I'd had one just a few days ago.  I asked him if I could get him anything, but he'd obviously had much experience unfortunately.  He held onto things for balance, but kept right on working.

Once he'd finished, I told him that I'd had success with magnesium helping my vertigo.  He sounded so happy to have hope again.  It really is miserable to lose all hope of any relief.

Monday, January 15, 2018

drip drip drip

My shower started dripping while it was off.  I got super brave and changed the shower-head all by myself.  No, really!  I turned off the water main and everything, even though most people said I didn't need to.

I got my two vice grips and towel so as not to damage the pipe.  Pro-tip:  Don't try to wrap the towel around the pipe whilst holding a vice grip in each hand.  I flailed around like a cousin of Edward Scissorhands until I had the illuminating idea to set them down and then wrap the pipe. 

But, it had no effect on the incessant dripping.  Ugh.

I finally called a plumber out of the phonebook.  Just kidding, I searched online.  They're coming today.

Of course, the dripping slowed down measurably yesterday.  Now, I'm wondering if it magically fixed itself.

I thought about being even braver and opening the handle and cartridge, but that seemed daunting.  I kind of want to see what the plumber does, but I don't want to annoy and hover.  So I'll hide in the other room with Kitten.  Like a grown-up.

Saturday, January 6, 2018


It was raining iguanas the past few days.  Although maybe iguana hail is a better term.  They started thumping down on my roof and then scrabbling dazed onto the warm tiles.

At one point, Kitten was on high alert.  She ran through the house, checking in at every window she could see through.  I followed closely behind with my camera.  Unfortunately I am not a great photographer, but I did manage a couple of photos.

A baby iguana parked himself on my window sill before the freeze.  He wedged himself in pretty good and stayed for four days.

baby iguana in frozen stasis
trying to intimidate me

we both scared each other

Ever watchful
