Saturday, April 7, 2001

Saturday, April 7, 2001

Woke up with another migraine.  Bummer!  I took a pill, but then I couldn't wait the requisite two hours, so I did a shot after one hour.  I figured the combined effect could only help knock it out all at once.  Feeling a little bit better now after mixing in an Excedrin, too.

I just read a fascinating article about the early Everglades history.  Hopefully, I'll feel better soon because we were trying to go to a palm & cycad sale today.

Galahad, my brother, and I went to the palm & cycad sale at about 3PM, sponsored by the Palm Beach Palm & Cycad Society.  What beautiful trees they had!  And, the prices were very reasonable.  We bought a Bismarckia nobilis, which I named Marky-Mark, and a Latania loddigesii, which I named Lucy after the Lusitania.  All right, so that one was a stretch, but our trees need names. Marky-Mark is purple-hued currently, but I'm told that he will fade to a silver.  We also bought special palm & cycad fertilizer.  Do we have sucker tattooed on our faces?  Just kidding.  My brother assured us that it was a very good deal.  He's extremely knowledgeable in these matters, so I trusted him.  Afterwards, we stopped at Doc's outdoor cafe for a bite to eat.

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