Sunday, July 12, 2020

still can't hear you!!


My new(ish) phone broke.  That's the one I had replaced two and a half weeks ago under warranty.  They tried to tell me that because this was a factory-reconditioned phone, it was even better quality than new.  Obviously not, mofos!!  The new one lasted six months.  This one, less than one month.

It completely bricked, which made troubleshooting way easier.  Hold the power button.  Nothing?  Okay, done.

And somehow they fucked up my account and it looked like my warranty was over.  It wasn't, but it made the situation more complicated.  Another new(ish) phone is on the way to me, via ground shipping because fuck loyal customers, amirite??

And it decided to break while I was on the phone talking, which I was doing because I needed the distraction.  Because migraine!  I've been trying to cut back on migraine meds, so I was suffering through this one with only an ice pack and my own mental strength.  And my comfy bed and AC, of course.  Anyway, it turned into a clusterfuck.  I hauled my sorry ass out of bed and found my old semi-broken phone and switched out the SIM card.  It took me a few minutes because my dexterity was down, but surprisingly, it worked as soon as I powered it back on.  YAY!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

but does it fit?

After the gym, I decided it was time to buy new gym shoes.  Mine are at least seven years old, maybe more.  They still mostly work, but they look like ass and have a few worn spots.

I popped into a few retail stores, which were open (to my surprise).  They all had mask rules and customer capacity limits.  And they had limited inventory, too.  I found only three pair of shoes in my size.  Lame.

I didn't want it to be a complete waste of time, so I went looking for a sundress (one of my 2020 goals pre-pandemic).  I found four that I kind of liked in my size.  That was a bonanza as far as I was concerned.  I went to the fitting room and realized those are a thing of the past.  They recommend trying items on at home and returning them if necessary.

That seems extra cumbersome, expensive, and just as germ-ridden, if not more so.

I think buying a sundress will get pushed to next year.