Sunday, April 19, 2020

journaling and anxiety

I have no clever title for this entry.  I'm trying to lessen my anxiety by 'journaling.'  Whatever that is. 

Last night, I was lying in bed, relaxed, slipping into twilight sleep, when suddenly my brain decided to provoke an anxiety attack. 

WTF brain?!

Anyway, journaling is supposed to train my brain.   Or maybe meditation is supposed to train my brain?   Whatever.  I'm trying everything because anxiety sucks ass.

Apparently, reaching for a distraction is EXACTLY what you're not supposed to do to 'cure' anxiety.  So me calling someone for a soothing distraction was the wrong response.  But, it helped me to fall asleep, so I'll still call it a win.  Or maybe at least a draw.

And here I am the next morning, trying journaling.  Feel free to skip the next few days entries as I experiment with writing stream of consciousness.

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