Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday Night Dreads

I'm not sure why I still get the Sunday Night Dreads, but it hit me so hard last night.  I'm assuming it's CPTSD from childhood since it's not really applicable now, but who fucking knows.  

I tried everything I could think of to calm myself.  I watched a sappy, happily-ever-after movie.  I took extra magnesium.  I took melatonin.  I imbibed medicinal alcohol.  I tried calling a friend.  I tried reading a book.  I tried listening to an audiobook.  Nothing assuaged that feeling of my body (and mind?) not feeling right.  I don't even have the vocabulary to describe it, except that I felt wrong physically.

I woke up this morning with a migraine, so maybe last night's condition was part of the prodromal stage.

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