Thursday, October 31, 2019

going postal

I've been getting back into writing letters lately, and I finally needed to buy more stamps.  I like to select fun ones because they last so long.  And I get irrationally angry that USPS charges shipping fees for buying online.  That's quite a racket since they're the ones shipping everything.  Anyway, I digress. 

I went to the post office where there were three employees and one customer.   I asked about stamps, and he brought out several varieties, none of which I loved.  So he brought out more.  And still more.  Finally he brought out George Bush stamps -- a sure sign of passive-aggression.   

That's when I realized I'd better hurry up and decide before he went postal.  I bought two packets to make him feel like he hadn't been wasting his time, even though he gets paid salary and not  commission.  Probably these will last me until I die.  Good thing they're forever stamps.  

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