Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I feel very fortunate that I was able to celebrate Mother's Day with Galahad's mom.  We bought her a laptop and set it up wirelessly for her.  Man, I hate fkn wireless.  It all works fine until you try to add in security.  It randomly disconnects her and finds her neighbor's network, which wouldn't be so bad except it's a weak signal and doesn't have Internet.  She's a new user, so it's quite the challenge trying to walk her through repairing a wireless connection.  Meanwhile she has a NETGEAR card and a NETGEAR router (saved as the default connection) but it keeps going to that Linksys network.

And mine is awful.  My laptop fought so much between wired & wireless if I switched back & forth that I finally stopped switching and just left it wireless (after spending hours & rebooting into safe mode to fix it).  However, that causes random weird lag so I've gone back to wired for the time being.  Gah I hate this shit.

Anyway, I had a very lovely time there, although it saddens me to see his dad falling further into the decline of Alzheimer's.  I was able to tell him I loved him and that it was good to visit with him.  He got teary-eyed and said he loved me, too.  =)

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